LİFE NET MEDİKAL Blood Pressure Monitor Arm Cuff Cuff
$ 3.60
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Blood pressure device cuff

Small & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 17-22 cm

medium & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 22-36 cm

Universal & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 22-42 cm


The blood pressure device cuff or CUFF, an elastic complication used in blood pressure measurement. This compound helps measure a blood pressure of a blood pressure device (sphygmomanometer) in MMHG. The sleeve is a hose attached to the arm or sometimes to the wrist and is inflated by a blood pressure device. The measurement of the pressure is based on the limitation of the blood flow on the artery by inflating and downloading the cuff. The size of the sleeve varies depending on the environment of the person's arm or wrist. Blood pressure tools are usually small, medium and universal. Small-sized cuffs usually fit around the arm around the 17-22 cm range. Cuffs of this size are suitable for children or individuals with thin arm structure. Middle-sized cuffs are complimented to the arm environments between 22-36 cm and are often used in young and middle-aged adults. Universal cuffs, which are the largest dimension, are suitable for the arm environment between 22-42 cm and are suitable for the use of most adults. & Nbsp;


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