Contınue Mılk 6-9 Months No: 2 350 Gr
₺ 334.90
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  • 15 gün içinde ücretsiz iade.Detaylı Bilgi
  • Nutritional Foods kategorisinde yer alan APTAMİL markalı Contınue Mılk 6-9 Months No: 2 350 Gr ürününü incelemektesiniz. Detaylı Bilgi


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₺ 334.90
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APTAMIL 2 CONTINUE MILK 6-9 MONTHS 350 GR & NBSP; It is a specially formulated sequel. This product has been developed to meet the nutritional values ​​that babies need during 6-9 months. Aptamil 2 Continuation Milk contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that infants need in the growth and development process. This product has been carefully formulated to support babies' nutritional needs and ensure that they can grow healthy. Aptamil 2 Continuation Milk can be used as an alternative when mothers are insufficient or when there is no breastfeeding option. As the baby grows and cut from breast milk, such continuation milk can be used to meet the nutritional needs. The content of this product includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals required for healthy growth and development of babies. & Nbsp;