Strath Drop Sleep Nerve 30 ml
Product properties
Insomnia, irritability, irritability, restlessness, voltage and anxiety is used as aid to the symptomatic treatment of anxiety conditions. & nbsp;
How to use it? 30 drops should be taken before bedtime for the problem of not being able to fall asleep due to nerve tension.
Roots, essential oils, monoterpenes, seskiterpenes (valenic acids), iridoidoids (valepotriats) contain.ParkIFelek plant, passiflora incarnata L. is fresh or dried parts of the plant. It contains flavonoids (viteksin), maltol, gambling compounds and essences. is a product that helps symptomatic treatment of voltage, irritability and anxiety symptoms. For adults, a maximum of 5 times a day 20-30 drops should be taken into half a glass of water. If you have the problem of not being able to sleep due to nerve tension, it is recommended that you use 30 drops before going to bed. For children over 6 years of age, it should be used by dripping in half a glass of water by 10 drops of water at a maximum of 5 times a day. The content of the product contains fresh or dried parts of the Passiflora incarnata L. plant which is a wheel plant. In addition, the roots include components such as essential oils, monoterpenes, seskiterpenes (valenic acids) and iridoids (valepotriats). The product also contains flavonoids (vitexin), maltol, gambling compounds and essential oils.