DerMateks Hydrophil Winding Cloth 10cm*10m
Dermatex Hydrophil Winding gland is a medical product and usually medical such as wound care and winding making used for purposes. The cloth, which has a hydrophilic structure, is known for its ability to absorb water. The dimensions of this winding gland are determined as 10 cm width and 10 meters length. These dimensions allow it to be used for various wound types and sizes. The hydrophilic winding glands help to absorb fluids on the wound. The cloth creates a humid environment and supports wound healing by providing a warm environment. It also helps to protect the wound against external factors. The cloth is presented in a sterile packaging and is ready for use. When applied on the wound, it absorbs wound fluids and provides sealing thanks to its absorbent properties. Another feature of this winding gland is air permeability.