venatura iron supplementary food 90 capsules > Product Content
Maltodexstrin, ferroz biscuitisate, capsule peel component: (herbal) hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, anti -clumping: Magnesium salts of fatty acids and silicone dioxide.
< Product Nutrition Values:
Venatura iron supplement food is a reinforcement for people with iron deficiency. This product is suitable for individuals aged 11 and over. Maltodexstrin, ferrosis biscuitis and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose of herbal origin. In addition, magnesium salts and silicone dioxide of fatty acids are the components used to prevent lumping of the product. The active ingredient in a capsule contains 17 mg iron. This amount meets 121.4 %of daily iron needs. Venatura iron supplements can be used to meet the iron needs of people with iron deficiency problems and help to maintain their normal functions of their bodies.