Solgar Kangavits Vitamin C 100 mg Chewable 90 tablet Each tablet contains 100 mg of vitamin C. >
Suitable for the use of vegan and vegetarians. It is not a medicine, it is not used instead. Chewable is a chewing tablet formulated for children and adults over the age of four years. Each tablet contains 100 mg of vitamin C and does not contain artificial aroma, protective or additives. In addition, Gluten does not include yeast, wheat and dairy products, so it can be used by vegan and vegetarians. Solgar Kangavites Vitamin C 100 mg Chewable is recommended to chew a tablet a day during meal to help meet the daily vitamin C requirement. This product is not a medicine and should not be used instead of the drug. It is recommended that you consult your pharmacist or doctor to get a proposal for use. & Nbsp;