Oxyfresh Super relaxing comes 112 gr
irritated, helps to remove sensitive, bleeding gum tissue and mouth sores. /P>
Destructs bad breath.
Usage against thrush.
Usage Wait for minutes. Review:
Oxyfresh Super relaxing come, irritated, sensitive, bleeding gum tissue and designed to help to remove the mouth wounds. This gel is effective in eliminating bad breath. It accelerates healing thanks to the oxygen, aloe vera and folic acid. In addition, it relieves the pain caused by prosthesis hit and maintains a thrush. It is quite simple to use, applied to the wound by hand or sterile cotton rod. Then wait for 5-6 minutes and the excess accumulated in the mouth is spit. In order for the product to be effective, it should not be eaten for at least half an hour and drink should not be consumed. The application can be repeated when needed.